Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This is Scott and Becky (on right) with the first "house parents". The parents will live in the house and basically take care of up to 10 kids living in that house.(in addition to their own two). I remember the dad is Carlos and the daughter is Karla. The son's name is James (in Portuguese) and I still can't remember the mom's name. You'll have to bear with me, seeing as how I had A LOT of Portuguese thrown at me this past week. You can't expect me to remember it all!!!! :)
Damas napping on our screening.
Green was the only color available for the screen. At first, we thought, ick. However, once we got it up, it looked really cool~like a greenhouse. The butterflies also thought so, because there were quite a few that took notice. This butterfly was soooo beautiful!!!
Our project was near completion at this point. We were pretty proud of it.

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