Wednesday, June 18, 2008

This is the Mojul River. It is just a tributary of the Amazon. We were told there were places on the Amazon River you could not see the other side.
The broken Konvi. It lost a bolt that was, apparently, most important to the shifting process. After about 45 minutes, another bolt was found to temporarily fix it. Ken had to drive in 3rd and 4th gears all the way home.
As we waited for the guys to play mechanic, we explored the nearby buildings. Julie and Kae found another tarantula~just in case you thought the first one was a fluke. Their webs were pretty cool. There were lots of little tunnels in them. This spider was on the ceiling. Watching it move was freaky (the other one in the boathouse just stayed in one place)

***All in all, this trip was so very enlightening. I have never been one for a lot of material possessions, but I was still deeply affected by all that the Brazilian people DON'T have and are still so happy. Especially, the river people. As someone on the team put it, they are the richest poor people you'll meet. I also can say that I was never so happy to be home( and away form the fire ants!!!!). I really get upset with the excess of the United States. We, as a culture, have to have it big, bigger and biggest. Living as the Brazilian people do for just a week, taught me to scale it back as much as I can. One of the other pieces I took from this trip was that I feel the need to expose my kids to more foreign language. I was very impressed (and envious) of those who were fluent in Portuguese and English. It really opened my eyes to the wonderful world of bilingual........

1 comment:

kim said...

What a phenomenal experience!! I am totally envious~
There is so much more of the world out there to help our kids understand.
So glad you are home safe and sound! Bet the kids were so happy to see you! :)
Are you coming "home" anytime this summer? We would love to spend a day with you and the kids! Bring pictures!!
We might come through OH if our DC plans work out~ when in Aug are you going to Fripp?
Miss you!