Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Like I said before, we hadn't seen anything with those first spiders.....

As we were arranging our hammocks for the night in the boathouse, I see this guy in the corner. Of course we all had to take pictures. We figured the tarantula was about 6 inches.

I had been told that as long as you don't bother them, they leave you alone. Ok. I have mosquito netting, I felt safe. However, my "roomie", Noami did not. She was pretty insistent that the spider be killed before going to bed. I did not want to be a part of that, so I can't say for sure how he met his demise.

Sleeping in the hammock was not as comfortable as it probably sounds. The Brazilians mostly sleep in them and position themselves sideways with their legs hanging off the edge. I can tell you with great certainty, there would be nothing of my body hanging over the edge of the hammock that night!!!
This is one of the churches planted along the river. In addition to the churches and clinics, PAZ also establishes filtered water systems. A cement drinking-fountain-looking contraption is filled with clean sand and rock. The water is filtered through this and captures the parasites, germs, etc. in the layers. It is a really neat process, as it doesn't use chemicals to clean the water. It may not sound like much, but for these people, clean water is a true gift. They have no power and their transportation is canoes and homemade boats. Does seeing their way of life make me appreciate mine? You bet your anglo asses!!!!!!!!
The bottom level of the boathouse was being utilized as a school. We were getting ready to depart as the kids were showing up via boat. Have I mentioned yet, how cute these little kids were? I love the looks they are giving Paul. "That is one big kid!!" Hey....they were right.....he IS one big kid!!!! ;) They watched us leave and sent us off with big smiles and waves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the love :)