Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Al finally grew her hair out long enough to cut for Locks of Love. If it were up to me, I would have given up long ago and cut it off. The amount of snarls that could accumulate in that child's hair......unbelievable. Anyway, when I would ask her if she just wanted to cut it, she always said she wanted to wait it out. Good for her!! She set a goal and stuck to it. Who's kid IS she?!?!?

Here we are at Cookie Cutters. They only did the Locks of Love cuts from 12-3 during the week. So, I took her out of school - don't judge, I felt it was a learning experience.

She got to sit on a horse and watch Spongebob, what could be better?

They sectioned off her hair, which took all of 2 minutes - this is why they only do it during certain hours, all the time it takes.....gag. Whatev.

This is my adorable girl with her ponytails in hand. Her bob cut is sooooooo dang cute! However, it makes her look older - a definite drawback. She loves her hair, too.


Anonymous said...

Ally is SOOOOOOOO cute. Tell the kids I say hi.

Anonymous said...

Hey tell Ally that I proud of her for what she has done. It is amazing that she has had this goal for being so young. And I do not judge you for taking her out of school. More power to you. I just judge on other things, rsrsrs. Nice to read all you blog entries. Have a great and safe weekend. See you SUNDAY MORNING at church, you that place where you meet a lot of great people. Peace

annieg said...

Oh wow!!!! Look at how long her hair was! What a sweet little girl for doing Locks of Love and I absolutely adore her new haircut. The "bob" is definately a perfect look on her! So cute! I want to take pictures of her!!!!!!!!!!!!