Sunday, February 22, 2009

I'm an aunt again!!!!!!!!!!!!! My brother and SIL have been waiting for what seems like an eternity for their adoption referral to come and it came this week! They will be getting a little boy from Korea and will keep his Korean name, which is Kyu (basically "Q" in English). How awesome is this? Well, I'll tell you. It's freaking outstanding, is what it is. My brother called me as they were on their way to Indy to pick up the paperwork. Of course there was screaming, tears and jumping up and down. The kids knew immediately what it was and were asking, "Is it Chris and Crissy's baby?" Yes, indeedy.

As excited as I was that day I go the news, it wasn't until the next day when I happened to be at the mall (I'm there maybe every 3 months or so) and walked into a couple kids clothing stores. I'm standing in The Childrens Place as I realize I now know my nephew. That's when it truly hit me and, of course, it had to be in a public place!! The tears came and I figured I'd just hide myself until it passed, but an employee saw me and asked if I was ok. I replied yes, and proceeded to find the exit. Small price to pay, I say.

Do you NOT just want to pinch his cheeks?!?!


kim said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!! Congratulations - to you - to Chris & Chrissy! To your WHOLE FAMILY!!! Wow - so amazing...

He is so perfectly perfect! Beautiful baby boy. I wish them all the happiness in the world!!

Anonymous said...

It IS freaking outstanding. It's so touching that so many people are excited about Kyu. He's like a celebrity! Just seeing that you have a 'Kyu' tag makes me tear up... for like the eighth time today. Thank you!