Sunday, January 11, 2009

More Christmas pictures.....
Here is Jay getting the millennium falcon. I had no idea what this thing could do. I have to say it's pretty cool. He thought so too, and is pushing Ally out of his "limelight". Oh what Christmas spirit.....

Eric and Max playing Rockband2. The Wright's got this for us. My only desire to get a Wii this year was so that I could play Rockband. Wouldn't you know, Max starts up right away with percentages in the 90's. That little shit makes me not want to play with him. *whiney, whiney, whine whine*. Yeah, but I get to practice while he's in school (evil laugh) Again, with the Christmas spirit..............

You can't really tell from the picture, but there are tears in Max's eyes when the Wii was opened. I think I actually pulled off a surprise on the kid. He's so hard to trick , lie to and deceive! (which is what gift giving is really about, right?) SEE, the true meaning of Christmas is alive and well in the Schreiber house!

"All I wanted for Christmas was my two front teeth, but now legs would be nice!! " Here's one happy horse-lover. She got a whole box of thoroughbred horses - like the child needed any more horses, but she was very excited as you can see.

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