Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Since Ally got her horses early and Max got his quad early, Jay seemed to think he could get a gift early...................OK!!! The one thing he really, really wanted this year was Jabba's Sail Barge. Oh...did I mention that the kid is obsessed with Star Wars? Once that kid finds something he likes.....it's all or nothing. Anyhoo, I figured he could get his gift early, but it couldn't be that easy. I wrapped up a gift I was giving to my niece~ a tea set. Jay was all excited.....thinking, I'm sure, of the sail barge. He unwraps the tea set and looks disappointed. I told him he could now play tea party with Ally. No gratefullness at all. So, I go get the real present. And yes, it was very much what he was expecting.
(nevermind the BRA in the background!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT MINE!!!!!!)
I really had no doubt at all that Jay could put that damn thing together. In fact, it didn't cross my mind at all that he couldn't. The boy is a genius with Legos. He came through with a fabulous masterpiece. That boy will be an engineer someday...............
This is Gracie cuddling up to Eric as we are opening presents Christmas Eve night. As cold as Eric keeps the house, she's probably scared to death she'll die of hypothermia!!!!!! (Yes, WITH all that fur!!!!!!)
Umm....apparently the dogs haven't been fed tonight. Yeah, it's the stare-down. I KNOW you are intimidated!!!!!

1 comment:

Meleah said...

First I noticed the bra, then I noticed the tattoo on Max's upper arm. What's becoming of that kid?! He gets the quad and it's all downhill from there. Just kidding. Hattie's still talking about how Max did this, and Ally did that, and Jay did this. She had tons of fun with her cousins. Max was so sweet and patient with her!