Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I'm always under the impression that any early Christmas present is a good Christmas present. Knowing that we were to get the quad for Max, at least 3 days before Christmas, I told Eric I thought we should GIVE it to him before Christmas. Eric doesn't particularly like my ideas about early Christmas gifts. My reasoning (and very logical I should say) was that getting it BEFORE Christmas would allow him to actually ride it before we were to leave on Christmas day for Iowa. Eric bucked me on this, but we came to an agreement that he would get it Christmas Eve morning. So, Eric had to do some prep work on the 4-wheeler before we could get it running and ready to ride. As Eric worked on it in the garage, I think a little excitement crept into his "fun-hater" brain, because on Saturday as he was wrapping it up, he asked me, "I don't know if you'd object to this, but should we give it to him, today?" Object???? Really???? Ha Ha. That's funny. So very funny. I got started on a sign that read, "Merry Christmas, Max", while Eric set it up beside the garage where you couldn't see it from the house. I stood out by the garage, while Eric went in to tell Max that he needed his help outside. As he walked out, and saw it, his face said it all. Stunned.

For two years we have been telling Max we couldn't get a quad cuz it would tear up the yard, they are too dangerous, or that we just didn't have the money. And although all these are legitimate reasons, the last one was really the most truthful. The kid ONLY asked for this for Christmas. Nothing else on his list.
I had bought two old helmets from a yard sale the first year we moved here. I don't know why. So, while we waited for the helmet gift from Wrights, we made personalized helmets with the yard sale ones. Max's read "Mad Max" and Jay's was "Jedi Jay". I have to say, that little 4-wheeler is pretty fun and will be a very useful little Christmas present for the whole family. Although, I am still hoofing it to the barn, seeing as how that's the only real exercise I am getting right now:)

1 comment:

Meleah said...

I can't believe I didn't know he got a quad! Did I even talk to any of you over Christmas?! Tell him to be safe or Aunt Meleah will kick his ass. Love you!