Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fripp Island, SC - 2010

The Miller family got together for another family vacation on Fripp Island. Although Viv had already been to a beach, this was her first trip to the ocean. Other than a quick, spontaneous, dip under the waves, she had a blast running up the beach, tempting the waves and finding shells.

A jellyfish ball Jay found. Of COURSE Jay found it. A couple days after this beach trip, a lady at a local shop told us a horror story of a man-o-war attack on her daughter. Add that to the warnings of sharks and stinging jellyfish and it's a miracle any of us went back in the water!! The only casualty was my sister stepping on a crab. Oh yeah, and I slipped in the kiddie pool and scraped the shit out of my arm. Nobody got eaten by a shark, so you have to call it a successful vacation!

Fripp Island is a private island that's features are the golf courses and wildlife preserve. The deer will approach you like your friendly, neighborhood, dog. Now Viv will be confused as to why the deer in Ohio run away from you instead of coming up to your driveway to get a "treat".

This really is my daughter....a true water baby!! The ocean did not disappoint, it greeted me like an old friend. I truly believe there's a healing nature within it's massive power and although a family vacation isn't truly a "stress-free" vacation, I felt a fair amount of weight leaving the perch it had on top of my shoulders.

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