Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How about a summer recap? Too bad, here it goes.

We had two wonderful vacations to places that were both islands. No Bahamas or Caymans, but islands nonetheless. We did a little camping, which brought out the realization that I am not the camping kind of gal. Maybe one day we will want to pack up a small house worth's of stuff to go sit by the water, somewhere, only for me to still have to cook and clean and run after a baby. But for now, we'll stick to traveling for our getaways.

Max has a decision to make about baseball. This summer was fun because he was playing a sport, but he also missed out on quite a bit, having to attend a game, tournament, etc. He loves baseball, but doesn't LOVE baseball so much that he's willing to give up 75% of his summer for it. We'll see what happens, but he may decide the local rec ball is a better fit.

We didn't get in on any cowboy mounted shooting this summer due to above commitments. Each weekend there was a shoot, there was also a planned vacation or baseball tournament. Maybe next summer, we'll have a better schedule.

We spent a lot of time outdoors, as you can tell by Vivian's tan lines. The girl loves to pick apples off the tree, ride in the EZ-Go and run around the yard. We'll see if the snow is as much of a draw for her. What will I do with this girl all winter???

We got Boo and Gracie back from the trainer yesterday. They were there for 19 days! Why so long? They are old dogs and the trainer was attempting new tricks. The trainer has worked with Cesar Milan and Cesar's right hand..lady. He was offered a job with Cesar, but opted to stay in Ohio. He's extremely good at what he does and if anyone could get through to my two mutts, it's him. We felt we were really doing them an injustice by having to cable them when they were outside. We couldn't take them anywhere, they'd jump on people who came to the door....blah, blah.....good dogs with bad behavior. Now, we can take them outside, to the barn, for walks, all without leashes. Inside, they have their own "place" where they sit and stay so that there's no funny business going on while I'm bathing the baby or doing laundry. We have some bugs to work out, but we are confident that this will provide them with a better quality of life.

Now that school is getting closer, I am seriously considering going back to work and putting Viv in daycare part-time. We'll see how she and I do on our own without her favorite toys, Max, Jay and Ally. When the older kids were babies/toddlers, I stayed at home with them, and there was nowhere I'd rather have been.....most days. Now, I am less patient, more mournful of a life I looked forward to leading, and no longer in "mommy-only mode". Viv will be fine. She needs to be around kids her own age. Aside from one other person, I know of nobody that has a toddler. My friends, here, are either working full-time or have kids who are at least school age. So, once the Ohio Board of Nursing grants me a license and I find a daycare that I am comfortable with, things around the Schreiber home may become vastly different. I am growing more sure of this decision, but once the day arrives for me to drop my baby off at the house of a stranger, you can call me, puddle, I'm sure. This new venture may not work for our family, but we'll never know until we try. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. For now. Unless I change my mind. ;)

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