Sunday, August 15, 2010

I mentioned the deer and crabs, but I can't forget the alligators. This was just a baby, so we approached for a better look. There were others that were much bigger. Since Viv would have been a nice little snack, we didn't attempt this proximity with the others.

This is the family on the way to get ice cream. We rented two golf carts this year. As the true men that they are, Dad, Eric and Dave tried to "soup up" the horse power, but it didn't work. We putted along as slow as molases. I guess speed isn't what vacations are all about, anyway, right?
Since the condo had wi-fi this year, the computers came ....OUT! You were hard-pressed to find an open area that there wasn't a laptop. I've heard of dueling pianos, but this is ridiculous!

Max and Nick cooking dinner. Each family had a night to cook. This year, since Max requested Toscana Soup, Uncle Nick enlisted his help in making it. I think Nick was impressed with Max's talents in the kitchen. Since Nick is a fireman, we had some pretty high standards set for him. The soup was delicious!!!

1 comment:

natther said...

wow, you posted some awesome photos! Of an awesome week on Fripp! Of course we wouldn't they be great photos with such adorable subjects!