Tuesday, July 20, 2010

** Follow Up to the night of babysitting***

On Sunday, Max was asking me how the day was going to proceed and what our schedule looked like. We had a friend of Jay's here, who we had to get home, plus getting Viv to the Tuggle family amidst their baseball tournament schedule, etc. I explained the plan to him and he proceeded to tell me that he wasn't all that interested in the movie we planned to see and wanted to stay with Vivian and the Tuggles. I explained to him that I would never, ever ask him to stay behind to help with the maniac and that despite our nervousness, I'm sure Viv would be fine. He said he understood, but would rather stay with Tuggles (who's son is Max's best friend) Well, I tried to convince him that I didn't think he needed to stay because of Vivian and he tried to convince me that that wasn't the only reason. So, as we were transferring Vivian's car seat into Tuggle's van in the parking lot of the baseball tournament, Max walks to the field with Vivian in one arm and the diaper bag in the other, alongside him is his best friend who is making silly faces at Vivian and explaining to her what they were going to "play" today. Oh, and that their dog, Chloe, was excited she was coming. Really? Could this child BE more loved? Could she HAVE a more awesome big brother? (who's friends love her to death, I might add). Max could have tried all day to convince me that he wanted to stay back to hang with his friend, but he wouldn't have succeeded. He is a "mother hen" and wanted to make sure Vivian didn't freak when we left her. I have amazing kids....................now, how the hell did that happen?!


EE said...

Amazing moms make amazing kids - I am not vouching for their dad

kim said...

Awww. That is awesome Mon -
What a great kid - and amazing big brother. You know - I always wanted a brother like that! :)
He is such a good kid - with a heart as big as Texas. You shouldn't be so surprised - I would say he's a lot like his Mama~

Cherish it. Viv will always worship him and he will always adore her. It's why they were both meant to be here when they decided to show up (parental plans aside) ;)

Give 'em all hugs for me!
Miss u

tfdchief said...

There's an infinite number of people in this world who are a heck of a lot smarter than me but I think I can come up with the answer to THAT question. Same answer as EE gave. You think we're all blind idiots or something?