Sunday, March 2, 2008

Holy crap! What a day!!
Saturday, after basketball games all morning, I decided that between that and the cub scouts banquet that night, I would take Minnie out for a ride. The saddle we have has a broken strap, so I figured I'd just go bareback. I got George tied up, cuz he'll freak when Mama goes without him. Actually, Ally tied George up, and I lunged Minnie until she was right next to the fence, so I could mount her. I got on and had Al open the gate. We went through the gate and it wasn't long before Minnie realized....."I'm freeeeee!!!!!" She takes off for the field. I'm pulling on the reins and she is fighting me. She doesn't like the bit one bit. (hee hee) I'm pulling back and she is shaking her head back and forth. I see this is not going well, so I try to turn her around. Nope. She listens as well as my kids do! However, you always have to keep trying to get a horse to do what you want it to, or else they'll never listen. I'm fighting her and she's severely pissed off about it! I figured for sure, she would buck me off. Just then, I look in the pasture and George is no longer tied up and is running around like a mad horse. We have low spots in the fence, especially now, with all the snow drifted. He has jumped over the half -door before, so I have no doubt that he will, in fact, jump if he wants to. I'm yelling for Jay to get a lead rope so I can get off Minnie and get her back to the barn before George jumps. Once I get Minnie under control and get her headed back to the barn, I begin to think about what I would've done if Minnie bucked me off and took off! I'd be so screwed.......
Lesson for today~~~ Do not take horse out of pasture unless you have another adult around to help you!!!!!!
We may have a lot more work to do with Minnie and her listening skills, but I tell you, riding bareback is just something that is worth all the effort and work we put in to these marvelous animals~they really are great horses, just a little stubborn!!!!!!


natther said...

It's a good thing you are young and appreciate a good thrill - to me it sounds damn scary! Kinda of wish I didn't know about it!

So did George stay in the pasture? What did Ally do during this entire fiasco?

Meleah said...

I can picture it now--you bareback on a horse, hair blowing in the wind as the horse careens out of control.
I hope Jay and Al weren't too upset. I'd have been curled up in a corner of the barn sucking my thumb. Jay would've had to push my ass out of the way to get the lead rope. Horses are so...big and strong.