Saturday, March 8, 2008

Holy blizzard, batman!!!
So, it started Friday..................and has yet to stop.(it's Saturday night) The pictures don't do it justice, of course. We were on a level 3, which for all you southern folk, that means you cannot be on the roads~emergency vehicles only. They threaten to cite you or even arrest you for being out.
Our school district was one of the VERY FEW to NOT let the kids out early. I was in Columbus, and when I drove through town, picked up the kids, anyway. There were a lot of parents doing the same thing. I wanted them home and with me. I knew the roads were only going to get worse.....and they did!!! I went out to the barn and was up to my HIPS in snow. I had to stop several times. It's not all that far out there, but in knee/hip deep snow, it was very exhausting. Eric and the kids were laughing at me, but they got theirs.......they all had to shovel.
Boo had a blast out there. He didn't want to come it most the time. Of course, he usually waits for me to come out of the barn and then chases me back to the house. He was completely buried, so he didn't make it all the way out there.....pussy.

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