Monday, March 17, 2008


Those little leprechaun buggers!! They get bolder and messier every year! I took pictures of the mess they made, but the computer deleted them while I was downloading....could those leprechauns have done that? I'll never know, but at least I was able to re-take a couple photos.

They found/brought green string that was one long mess all over the downstairs, attached to chairs, doorknobs, etc. chairs were tipped over.....they got into a big box of "green"tea, and scattered them all over. We found tea in the cereal boxes, drawers, cabinets...... Of course the toilet water was green, as was the milk. I know the milk tastes the same, but it's hard to eat cereal with that stuff in it :)

Now, I was really surprised to find a plate with green "poop" on it, when I came downstairs. That is disgusting. I asked Eric and Jeff about it, but they had no idea.........

**********On a sad note..........Max is just not able to embrace the magic of leprechauns.......he doesn't believe, but bless his heart, he has not come out and said anything in front of the other two. It's the same with Santa and the Easter bunny. I cannot for the life of me, give in and pop that magical bubble around him. You know the one.....the one that keeps them kids for the rest of their lives. The bubble that lets them stay light-hearted and naive to the crushing downer of reality. If I admit to anything, it's over. It's just over. No more pretending. No more watching their faces light up as they see something that truly takes them by surprise. UGHHH!!! I can't take this "growing up" thing!


natther said...

I wish your naughty little leprechauns would show up at everybody's house… the world would be a fun place for at least a day!
You could have posted Jay's picture from last year - one of my favorites.
As far as Max goes, as long as you don't ever come right out and say it isn't so, there remains the 'possibility' that these things exist. Always leave that possibility.
Give all your little leprechauns a hug.

Meleah said...

Those naughty naughty leprechauns! I love that you have so much fun with the less celebrated holidays.
And I agree with what natther long as you don't confirm that they don't exist, he'll still have that hope. I remember a conversation I had with one of my friends at his age. We both agreed that we didn't believe in the Easter Bunny or the tooth fairy, but we DID still believe in Santa Claus. :)

natther said...

Well, Meleah, that's a no-brainer. Ah, give up chocolate bunnies and a few quarters, but NOT the room full of goodies. Good call.

kim said...

I dub thee "Lady Monica -Duchess of Fun" ~ and you shall hence forth be known to all in the kingdom as such. Enjoy your reign and continue to use your power for good, not evil (unless of course the 'evil' is a little fun, too! :D ), and may laughter and joy follow you all the days of your life......
