Thursday, March 27, 2008

Milk,'s EVERYWHERE!!!!

Normally, this would not be such a profound observation. However, because Max has had quite a bit of tummy issues, the good doc said we needed to try a lactose-free diet. It didn't seem too bad at first. We got some soy milk and cheese for him and tried to keep the dairy "the hell away from him"~evil stuff. Well, it wasn't as easy as I had thought. I had to make quesadillas with regular cheese and soy cheese. Ally wanted lasagna this weekend. Nope. I didn't have enough soy cheese to make a whole dish of lasagna. Mashed potatoes on Easter Sunday~ oops, forgot to tell Max he couldn't have those. And, oh yeah, there's probably milk in those milk chocolate bunnies.......ugh. So, the tummy issues haven't exactly gone away, but apparently they got a little better. So, not sure what is going on , but when I talked to the doctor today to give him an update, he said to go on with one more week of the dairy-free. AAHHHHH!!!!!!! Well, we'll do it, but not cuz we want to, but because we have to!!! So, internet, here I come! I am positive there are some great websites out there regarding dairy-free diets. Plus, I'll always have Marilu Henner!


kim said...

Oy. That is hard - but yay internet! I bet you can find loads of great recipes that use dairy substitutes. Is he too young for lactaid?
I know bailey used to have trouble with it too - the bovine protein is much larger than human milk protein, and it is interesting that we are the only mammal on the planet that routinely ingests another mammal's milk proteins........with so many people struggling with dairy you have to wonder if it really is 'good'. She still doesn't drink a lot of milk, and we try to take in calcium through other fortified products (ie: OJ, bread, veggies..etc.) If you find any tastey recipes, be sure to share!!
:) Hope he is feeling better.....

hugs to all~

Raquel said...

Welcome to my world!!! Go to The site has lots of good recipes that I use and my family actually likes! Go to love that soy cheese!