Friday, March 28, 2008

First, I have to tell y'all about the drama of separating Minnie and George. I was bringing George to the trailer, so we could load him up. I got him within 15 feet of the trailer, when he realized what was really happening. "Oh HELL no!" He bolts back toward the barn with me hanging on to the lead rope. In my head, I'm thinking that if I could jut get my feet planted, I could get his head turned......he'll stop. Well, soon I realized that that was not going to happen, so I let go~gracefully. (??) We eventually got him loaded as Mama called out for him. Honestly, it was heart-breaking. The reason we needed to do this was for just that reason. They hadn't been apart, and it was only going to get worse.....So Mark and Dawn took Georgie to their house.
All was going well with the separation....Minnie was fine. George was fine. He was hanging out with his Grandma and other realatives over at the Wrights (their horse, Dixie, is Mama's mama and George's Grammy)
Now, some of you may remember the controversy surrounding the horse-naming process. It is official......George; aka, Curious George, is the perfect name for him! He got out of the Wright's pasture! They have a great set-up with 4 pvc-coated wires making up their fence. Abby gets a visit from the neighbor saying there's a small black horse in the cornfield by his house. He thought he belonged to them. Abby runs out there with a bucket of grain, expecting the worst~ George runs away, runs into the road, gets himself caught in the fencing(not as forgiving as the fence he just went through)...........However, she approaches him and he lets her walk him back. No problems. There was only one of the 4 wires that wasn't in place(second from the top)~ we still don't know how he managed, but if any horse could figure that out, it's my Curious George!!! He's like a little kid, and I miss him terribly! Hopefully, we'll get him back in a few weeks!

1 comment:

Raquel said...

Thank goodness all that snow melted! I hope Georgie gets to come home soon!