Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Doggon kids!! They are too smart for their own good! What I've learned is that I need to get them right away in the morning with my pranks....before they are really awake. Also, I refrain from talking about April Fools Day prior to the actual day. That being said, I only got one of the pranks over on Max. I went in to their rooms in the morning, in a slightly panicked voice saying that our basement and house is flooding and that the water is coming up, so they need to get up and see if they can salvage any of their stuff in the basement. The playstation, the TV, toys...will we be able to save it?? They got down to the kitchen and the jig was up. Max said he knew it wasn't real as soon as he saw Eric...casually putting on his tie. *Let me say that in no way am I making light of people who have dealt with floods/water. It is a horrible experience~which we know, since we dealt with it on a smaller scale a couple years ago.......
So, of course I cannot just do ONE prank, I had to get them again. I picked them up from school, and as luck would have it, my gas light was on in the van. (Luck? Hell no. That damn light seems like it is always on.) Anyway, I take off out of town on a road that I hoped wouldn't be busy with traffic. I start tapping the brakes a little here and there, then said, "Oh man, this isn't good. Kids, pray that we don't run out of gas! Pray, pray!!" So, I then tap the brakes more frequently, then pull over, saying I've run out of gas. I pretend to call Eric and said that we could walk to a house behind us where one of the teachers lived. I get the kids out of the car, and start walking......unfortunately , a couple cars were coming down the road, so I knew we wouldn't get far. I figured they'd stop to ask if we needed help. So, I announced "April Fool's!!!!!" We all run back to the van before the car could stop. Max knew it was a joke the whole time.....he was too awake for this joke. However, the other two were concerned about having to walk in the chilling wind. Next year, I will have to plan ahead even more..........
Ally brings home a folder each school day with a calendar marked with a green, yellow or red color for that day. The color corresponds with the behavior for the day. Ally has only once received anything other than green (good). But, on April Fools Day, she had a red!! I keep asking her about it and she keeps saying it's an april fools joke. I have yet to corroborate her story with the teacher, but it's really hard to believe she did in fact get a red. I think she got me! :)
I hope you all had a wonderful April Fools Day!!!!


kim said...

You scared the crap out of me with that title! ;)
Funny - you are so good at the fun holidays. I hate to say it - but we didn't get anything in!! Terrible, isn't it?? I feel kind of bad.
I need to work on the fun factor around here!!
(Though I probably would have just burst into tears if someone had told me the house was flooding!) :)

Miss you!

natther said...

You are a bad, bad, bad daughter!!! I agree with Kim - you take the fun factor up and above. Just watch it - those kids are all going to come back to gitcha.

Anonymous said...

You got me. I read that title and said out loud "Oh no!" and quickly scrolled down. Max was on his toes all day!
That's why I hate April Fool's Day--I'm so gullible.

natther said...

I guess I should clarify why I said you were a bad daughter (YOU'RE NOT!) - but you did scare the 'piwading' out of me with the going to ER statement.

Schreiber family said...

Yeah, Kim, that's why I put the disclaimer in about floods not really being funny. Once you're out of it on the other side, it's better. While you are in the middle of that mess, it really is not laughable!!!!