Sunday, October 31, 2010

Here are the boys in their perch, overlooking the party.

Vampire princess, Ally.

This is Eric and I as the Grinch and CindyLu Who. I think we'll have our photo in the Fredericktown newspaper, since a lady took our names. Either that, or our witness protection gig is up. We had about a half dozen people get our picture or stand with us for a picture while trick-or-treating. WHO knew our costumes would be such a hit? Get it? WHO???? Who-ville?? Maybe I'm just sleep-deprived.

Jeff is a zookeeper, trying to tame this lion and keep control of the cheetah. Good luck, Jeff. Although, both of these lady jungle creatures adore him.

1 comment:

Meleah said...

I LOVE YOUR HALLOWEENS. Just like Chris, I look forward to your Halloween posts every year! Love Cindy Lou Who and the Grinch!