Sunday, July 11, 2010

It's time for the "Favorite Things" Edition.

First of all, I vowed this year we would take advantage of the pool some friends took us to last summer. Last year with Viv being only a couple months old and needing to be shaded, we didn't do much of anything outside. This summer would be different. We've been there 3 times and have a blast! Vivian loves the zero entry side with the little water slide. Up and down, up and down.....she could do it all day. Thank you Jack Florance Pool in Delaware!

Quick potato side dish!! There's really no easier way to cook potatoes (or faster). Quarter 4-6 potatoes and toss in a big bowl with olive oil. Add salt, pepper, chili seasoning and wrap up in a a foil rectangle. Put it on the grill or about 20 -25 minutes. Once you take it off the grill, sprinkle shredded cheddar cheese on top and fold the foil back over until you've wrangled the kids to the table, then made them get up and go wash their hands -which usually takes about another 15-20 minutes. By then, the cheese is melted and the potatoes are cooled to the perfect eating temperature. YUM!

My new favorite drink is the Vitamin Water Zero. I typically stay away from the Gatorade/Powerade kind of drinks. They are too sweet for my taste and why waste the calories?? When I'm thirsty, I want plain 'ol water. However, since I've given up (For the most part) drinking Diet soda, I wanted to replace it with something a little more exciting than plain 'ol water. I can only drink one about every other day, but I do enjoy the taste - and knowing I'm not drinking a whole lot of corn syrup.

My new favorite shampoo! Yes, it's for me-although it does leave George's mane quite manageable.........I tried it when we were camping with the Wrights and it left my hair so soft and wavy.

Finally - my new phone. I waited a long time for a phone like this. Since Verizon wasn't going to get the iphone anytime soon, I went with the droid. Well, initially, I got the ally android. It was a little more compact, so I opted to go that route. However, being an LG phone, it didn't have the antenna that the motorola has. It's amazing what you learn when you spend hours on the phone with Verizon support. And since I didn't feel like running out to my driveway every time I wanted to make/take a call, I was told to go get a new phone. So, the droid and I have become fast friends.

Top 5 Reasons I Love My New Phone:
1. I no longer get lost going to the ballparks around Columbus. Mapquest has failed me more times than not. GPS, LOVE you!
2. Has my sister tweeted recently? I dunno. Let me check. Oh, drat, I'm stuck here at the doctor's office. Oh wait. I CAN check!!!
3. The home computer is slower than dial-up right now and the prognosis is not good. It's faster to grab the phone than start up the Dell.
4. On the last road trip, we weren't sure if there was a decent place to stop and eat (and by decent, I mean NOT McDonald's). My new app let us know that there was, indeed, a Quizno's in 6.3 miles...awesome!
5. And last, but certainly not least...........Ricky Bobby and Dumb and Dumber ring tones!!!!!!!!! "Help me Oprah Winfrey", "We got no food, we got no jobs, are pets HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!" Oh yeah, we can't forget the title song from Glee.


Meleah said...

I laughed so hard reading about your Dumb & Dumber ring tone that I snorted.
After I got my Blackberry I wondered how I had ever lived without one.

kim said...

Yayz for your new droid! Sounds like a match made in heaven.. :) I have heard a lot of great things about the droid - namely that it doesn't require AT&T (don't even get me started....)
I'm loving vitamin H2O too! So much more refreshing than soda that I've wondered what I was so hooked on with pepsi (not that I don't still enjoy one with popcorn and a movie, but hey...) :)
And the pool - I bet Viv LOVES it - as do all of the kids. It's a good thing I didn't know the glories of a summer poolside when I was growing up in a town void of any/all pools, waterslides, or even splashpads - I would have begged to move to a 'real' city. I can't imagine a summer without them now!

Hope your summer isn't going too fast.... Your trip looked like a blast! :)