Sunday, July 18, 2010

Jay's 10th birthday party!
It's the last hurrah for parties, once you reach your 10th. After that, it's scaled down!! Jay's are usually a whole lot of fun and not too difficult to plan, so it's kinda sad to be done with them. Summer birthdays are way easier than February!
How many kids can you fit in an Ez-Go? Well, apparently, about 10. Yes, that's including the big one.

Silly string! (And I DO feed the child, despite what the protruding ribcage says)

This game was "Find the Correct Lego Piece in the Kiddie Pool". Yeah, totally made up. But fun.

This one is "Find the Lego Brick In the Whipped Cream". Again, made up. This was fun, also, but much shorter than I anticipated. The first kid found the brick in less than 4 seconds!!!
This weekend is Jay's actually birthday. Today, in fact. We usually go out to eat as a family, but Jay has been saying he wants to see the movie, "Despicable Me" since the first commercial. I found some very brave souls to watch Viv for us so we can go.
*This past week, I had Abby watch Viv while I took Max and Al to the dentist. (Our last experience when Jay went, was NOT good. The maniac was not easy to contain in the small, not-so-toddler-friendly-waiting room.) So, Vivian went down for a nap and we went to the dentist. Jay stayed with Abby because I was nervous about how Viv would do when she woke to find us all gone. My fears were validated. Abby said she walked into Viv's bedroom and the child frowned at her and laid back down. She wouldn't stand up so Abby could lift her out. Then, once out of the crib, she wiggled to get down, ran to the corner and glared at Abby. She then proceeded to cry and carry on while Abby changed her diaper. She was comforted when she saw Jay, but made it clear Abby was NOT welcome to retrieve her from her nap. Vivian is familiar with the family who will be watching her, today. I just hope she is good for them. I don't worry about Viv when I leave her, I worry about the person who has to deal with her. Godspeed Tuggle family!!!

1 comment:

kim said...

Happy Birthday Jay!!! Wow - 10 years!!

And Happy Anniversary Monica & Eric - :)

Hope you had a great weekend!