Thursday, July 8, 2010

Let's bury Ally!!!!!!

I got more comments this weekend about how much these two look alike. It's true. I hope they are as close as my sister and I are when they are older. Of course they adore each other now, but there will be days when Viv is into Al's stuff and Al ignores Viv when her girlfriends are over. Makes me tear up just thinking about it. Instead, I will hang on to the present and the sister love.

Eric, Jay and Al one one jet-ski and Viv, Max and I on the other. So. Much. Fun. Love 'em. My kids will soon refuse to go out with me, since I like to run fast and furious. Come ON............

It was great timing that some of the children/grandchildren of neighbors were in town the same weekend. Al had a couple girls to hand with and so did Max and Jay. They haven't seen these boys for about 4 years- Didn't seem to make a difference, though.
The kids decorated their bikes and rode in the parade. There was a lull, then, before the fireworks, so the kids got a little restless. It was past Viv's bedtime and she was letting us know it. Once the fireworks started, she was intrigued by the first 3 or 4. Then, the lack of sleep and loud booms got the best of her. She sat in my arms with her head buried the rest of the time. We headed out early and all was well.
It was a great time had by all and we are already looking forward to next summer!!

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