Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm gonna quit complaining about the less than stellar Mother's Day weekend I had. I truly am grateful for the fact that I have healthy kids to mother! But, let me just add the "Let me kick you in the crotch" beginning of the week around here. It kind of went with the theme of the weekend ....Eric and I both got the stomach flu which rendered me out of commission all day Monday. At first, I just thought I was getting old and the early mornings of the weekend had affected me more than I thought. Boy, was I relieved to know that I wasn't getting old, I just had a nasty virus! Tuesday morning, the boys were getting ready for school - and I use that phrase loosely- because they were more like horsing around. Max split his head open and bled all over while I laughed at him. Just hold on........I thought he was messing with me because he had a smile on his face as he was explaining what happened. We keep the craft paint downstairs, so obviously I thought they put paint on his head. Once I realized he was serious, I assessed the wound and luckily, no stitches were required. Crisis averted, but made for a quite hectic morning.

The kids have 3 days of school left and I'm ready for them to be home. May is always pretty busy with end of the year activities, awards ceremonies, luncheons, etc. This week, we were concentrating on the wax museum Max's class was performing. Max chose Albert Einstein and had been growing out his hair to look the part. The kids had recorded their information about their famous person in history. As the other classes in the school came through, Mr. Mosher played the corresponding bio as the museum "visitors" remarked at the uncanny resemblance to the likes of Neil Armstrong, Lewis and Clark, Rosa Parks and one of my personal favorites...Shirley Muldowney, among others. It was a lot of fun to watch, while Viv was confused as to the looks of her beloved big brother!

MY little genius!


EE said...

that's awesome ! way to go Max!

Unknown said...

I LOVE those pictures. He was really into character! H & T liked them, too. :)
I'm so sorry about the flu. Hopefully the kids were untouched by it.

Unknown said...

Awesome, Max!

kim said...

Max looks phenomenal!
You are the best with costumes & getting into character.... so much fun for your kids ;)

Great job Max! (I would never have known it was him!)

annieg said...

OMG!! Hysterical!! I love Max!