Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Since Viv is drawn to the serious hazards of the yard...horses, pond, electric fence, etc. we had to start investing in some age appropriate activities. The kiddie pool proved to be just as much a draw to the older kids as it was to the baby!

She LOVES the swing!!!! Please do not look too closely at the swing, itself. I got this at a garage sale when Ally was 6 months old. It has sat, forgotten, in the garage and moved to 4 different houses since then. It's ugly, the ropes are ratty and pokey and it's faded, but functional!!!

We made a trip to West Lafayette, IN last weekend where we had a blast with all the cousins and my siblings. I had my hands full with Viv, so picture taking took a back seat. However, since Max was unable to go with us, I got him some fried (sour cream and onion) crickets at the zoo. I told my sister he'd eat them, but she was skeptical. Here you go, Meleah.

1 comment:

Meleah said...

I got to that last picture and whispered, "Oh that's just f&*#ing gross." And I might have gagged a little.
Max is a much braver (read: crazier) dude than I.