Sunday, May 9, 2010

I suppose it's my fault. I shouldn't attach such high standards to Mother's Day. It's a day where I can ask for almost anything I want - not to say I will get what I ask for, but I sure can ask. Who doesn't want a little pampering? I also look forward to the kid's joy in making me breakfast in bed and handing over the home-made flower cups they made in school. The debacle of a Mother's Day was not for lack of trying. Eric made dinner Saturday night and had the recipe and all the ingredients to make an egg dish and cinnamon rolls Sunday morning. What actually happened, was me getting up at 5 am to go to a baseball tournament. Once there, I sat nearly frozen for 14 1/2 hours...not including the one hour drive time to and from. Most the day I spent huddled up in blankets with only me eyes peeking out. If that wasn't bad enough, Max's team got run ruled twice. All games were delayed 2 hours due to wet fields, so by 7:30 I'd had enough. Nope. The boys played one more and won. Got home at 10:30 pm and ate that yummy dinner Eric made and prepared for the next day. Again, up at 5 am, only to have the boys run ruled again. At least that meant we got to go home. But, enough with the bad and in with the good. I love the Mom coupons the kids make. I will absolutely use the "Clean my room when Mom asks" , "Free cuddle" and my favorite this year?

Now THIS is a treasure, Jay!!

Maybe I'm getting old, but the early mornings and energy exerted shivering for 14+ hours, wiped me OUT! I took a 2 hour nap on Sunday, which is a rarity. Also rare is Max napping. Apparently, he was wiped too (of COURSE the kid was wiped!) He took a 4 1/2 hour nap!!

Happy Mother's Day, perfect or not!

1 comment:

kim said...

Oh Mon! I had the same weekend you had! What was up with Mother Nature??? Freak-show.

BUT..... Guess what I discovered? 8 yrs ago we bought a little pop-tent for kids for $15ish at Target. At Saturday's track meet - I crawled in (we bring it for Bailey on bad weather days). OMG!!! The difference just being out of the wind?? We took it to the ball games, too. Everyone on the team might go out and get one this week - it made that huge of a difference.
Goes up/ comes down in less than a minute. Gives the sibs a place to go to get out of the wind/drizzle/sun.......
We brought color books and nail polish. It was downright cozy in that little tent.Best damn $15 I've ever spent. I'll send you one..... ;)

p.s. You're a good Mama - Max will remember and treasure that you nearly froze to death. For him. :)
We do it because we love them - but that doesn't mean that we can't use it on them as needed when they get older. ;)