Monday, August 17, 2009

My kids have learned a lot living out here in the country. It is always a lesson in nature. We have learned to just let nature take it's course, the less human involvement, the better. It could be eggs fallen from a nest, baby turtles left to live in the wild (instead of in a fish tank on a dresser) or killdeer who know how to protect their babies better than us. The kids know to leave well enough alone. However, we have also learned it is a myth that once touched, animal mamas will abandon their young. So...when a nest of baby bunnies appeared in the yard, it was too much to not look in on them occasionally.

Now, the dogs didn't even pause when walking by the nest on leashes for the first several days. However, while Max and Ann (holding Vivian) went out to take them for a walk, they knew there was something there. Gracie is commonly unleashed because, left to her own devices, she won't run off. Only when Boo takes off after something, does Gracie usually stray. That being said, Max let her out with no leash. Boo quickly made a beeline for the nest and as they were flinging nest makings, Hannah ran inside to tell me the dogs were eating the bunnies. As I run out, I see Gracie, indeed, eating one and Max sitting on the ground bawling. Both dogs were eventually corralled to the outside kennel and I make my way back to a sobbing Max. The remaining bunnies were found, after fleeing the nest, and safely returned. From Ann's description of what happened, there was no stopping Gracie once she had her mind on the bunnies. Max was pleading with her to stop, and pulling veraciously, but she was too strong for him to handle. Unfortunately, he had to witness the meal and hear the screaming babies. Sadly, he will probably always remember that scene. I reminded Max that if not for him, she may have gotten them all. He was a hero. It's not Gracie's fault, she did what dogs do. We sometimes forget she's a dog. She's so loving and low maintenance that we often are under the impression she's human with no animalistic tendencies. Max and Gracie made up and the rest of the bunnies are big and ready to flee the nest for good this time. Another lesson learned.....nature's balance.


Anonymous said...

nice crime scene photography!

Meleah said...

I hope the trauma has eased over time. Hopefully Max is looking forward to football and has mostly forgotten about the "incident". He's such a good kid--but so hard on himself. What a sweetie.

Anonymous said...

I first heard the sounds of rabbits screeching at age 29 when my parents' dog attacked one. Chilling.