Friday, August 28, 2009

Horsey drama............
First of all, our dear Cody is doing well. Vanilla cornered him in the barn and kicked the shit out of him. We thought at one time his leg was broken. However, it looks like a puncture wound is the culprit. His leg swelled up quite a bit and he was unable to really put any weight on it. He got a dose of antibiotic last night and we will continue to pray for him and nurse him back to health .

On a brighter note, my Curious George went off to training 2 weeks ago. A family who does the mounted shooting has him and are doing a fabulous job training him. We got an update DVD from them showing what they were doing with him. They said he is doing really well, which I knew he would! I'm such a proud mama! George is a calm , sweet, wonderful horse. I can't wait to get him home and ride him.
*It's possible Vanilla lashed out at Cody because the normal horse pack and pecking order was interrupted. With George gone, we had the family's horse, Moonie. (They didn't have an extra stall for George) Even though he, too, was a gelding, it's possible Vanilla was upset with the change. Who knows.........but we can guarantee Vanilla will not get the opportunity to nearly kill Cody again. They will remain separate.
Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers for Cody!!

1 comment:

Meleah said...

I'm glad to hear Cody's doing better. I thought about you and Cody a lot these past few days!

Jeesh. It's like having eight kids! Four human and four equine.

I hope the rest of your weekend is uneventful and you come home to happy, healthy horses.

Love you.