Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Some of the ladies doing the "Macarena". Who said cowgirls don't know how to partay!!!?
Mark with Viv. Notice the guns in holsters on her jeans? Those were a gift from the Wright's to Vivian.

Soooooo trailer trash. Jay couldn't walk 10 feet away from the trailer to pee, he had to do it standing in the doorway.
The trailer is old, rusty and bearing the nickname the "Rolling Terd", but it serves it's purpose. It gets the horses where they need to go and Eric and the boys were able to sleep in the living quarters comfortably. Now as far as the whole family sleeping in it? Not on your life. It's also a good thing Ally slept in her friend's trailer both nights.

This would be Ally's friend, October. They took colored hair spray (we had these on hand for "crazy hair days" at the school - our colors are red and blue - perfect for July 4th decorating) and decorated Vanilla and October's pony. They got just a tad carried away, but it was fun to watch. Vanilla has the flag on her neck and starts on her butt.


natther said...

That picture of Mark with Viv is too precious! Love the guns!
I don't think t.t. take photos of themselves like that!

natther said...

Vanilla looks adorable with her decoration - almost as pretty as Al.

kim said...

Great pictures Mon!! :)
Your kids are growing up so fast! I wish we got to see you more.
LOVE the little guns in holsters on Viv - that is too cute. :)

Miss you!