Friday, July 17, 2009

On to happier nieces!!! My sis and her girls came to visit Sunday and her hubby joined us on Wednesday. The girls cracked me up each and every day. H's laugh is absolutely addicting and T captured my heart.

Here is T giving me the booty dance.
Ally and H reading books before bed. I told H how I used to stay over at my cousins house who also had a trundle bed. On top of that, H's middle name is same as our cousin - named after her because my sister was born on cousin's birthday. Did you follow all that?

Mia and T on Cody.

Max got to work right away, catching frogs, fish and turtles. Those fish had never felt as much love as they got from a 2 year old.
We had two cameras snapping moments the whole time they were here. You'd think I'd have more pictures. Maybe just maybe my sister will send me some of hers??????? :)

1 comment:

kim said...

What great pictures - the kids look like they are lovin' life, being together.
Look at how grown up your kids are getting to be ~ reading stories (SO cute) and look at Max taking care of all the little ones animal care needs.

So glad you all enjoyed your time. ;)