Monday, March 30, 2009

Even though this pregnancy was a HUGE surprise and we had given all our baby stuff away, we are not hurting for baby stuff. As it happened, the family we gave our crib and dresser to, were moving and dropped the furniture off on their way to their new home. (Thank you Tim and Rachel!!!) Along with the big stuff, they unloaded totes of blankets, clothes, a boppy, bottles, toys, etc. Also, all the clothes I had from Ally I gave to my sister who is now handing them back to me. It will be so cute to see some of these little outfits that I've seen Ally, Hattie, Tessa and now Vivian wear. So, when Eric asked if I was having a baby shower, I said no. First, we don't need much. Second, it's kind of hard to sit around being all excited and happy when I'm still somewhat reeling from what all this means to my life. (I know that sounds bad, but it is what it is) Anyway, our friend, Dawn thought we needed to at least acknowledge Vivian, so she and the girls planned a sprinkle.

These are some of the gifts we received for Viv. This basket of onesies, washcloths, socks, etc. is so cute, I didn't want to open it!
If the bib says I love daddy, does that mean he's the one to feed her? Love the spinning toy (and notice the monkey, Crissy?)

This was the one bigger-type item we needed for the baby. Mark and Dawn came through with this for us. If there was a bigger and more intense word for generosity, I could so use it with the Wrights. For right now, let's go with....friggin awesome. I'm thinking this stroller will get us through baseball and football fields, horse pastures and whatever else we come across......maybe like rollerblading?!? :)

These are orange Carhartts that look just like mine!! OMG!! They are the cutest things in the world!!!!! Megan and Abby got these for Vivian. Now she can help me in the barn - you know, mucking stalls and cleaning hooves......just kidding.
It was fun to finally start getting excited for a baby. How can you not, when you are putting away teeny, tiny outfits and washing up baby blankets?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Monica, I am so happy that you are happy about having the baby!!! rsrsrs. Anywho, let me know if you need any help with most anything, some of the time. Peace, my friend. And say yes to the drugs at the hospital!!!