Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Unfortunately, we are without camera right now, so I couldn't document what those naughty leprechauns did last night. You'll have to use your imagination......

They hid the kitchen chairs, turned the milk and toilet water green and stacked all the green dishes/cups, etc on the kitchen island. The leprechauns also colored the kids hair with green streaks and put glitter in their hair. (We'll be finding green glitter in every nook and cranny until July 4th!!!!)

And for all you who can, drink a green beer for me!!!!!!!!

Happy St Patty's Day!!!!!!!!!


natther said...

I wish I had those happy little guys visit my house… maybe. What fun!

Meleah said...

They visited our house too! The toilet water was green and there were teeny green poops floating in it as well as sitting in the potty chair. They found everything that was green in the house and piled it on the kitchen table. Scary how similar Ohio and Iowa leprechauns are.