Saturday, March 28, 2009

What has 11 heads, 22 arms and eats everything in front of it?

Give up?

It's our freak show of a group going to the movie yesterday. For those moms out there with older kids, you feel my pain. You can no longer host birthday parties like you did when they were 5. Could I fit 15 10yr. old boys in my house? Nope. So, I told Max this year would be different. Low key. A small group of boys could spend the night or something. Maybe we could take them to a movie. The movie idea was a hit, but no good flicks were coming out in February, so we postponed the birthday thing until this weekend, so we could see Monsters Vs Aliens. How we ended up with 6 extra kids, as opposed to 2 or 3, I don't know. However, after much planning and phone calls, we coordinated the outing. Including my family, there was 11 of us and we caused quite a stir. Still, I would rather repeat that chaotic scene than another girl slumber party. Honest. Man, I am such a bad girl mom!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

kim said...

Oh friend - I hear you on the 'girl mom' thing. We just completed our slumber party. It will be her one and only.There isn't enough wine in Napa for me to touch that again.

Boys & the movies is perfect! But yeah- they can ring up a tab at the concessions, can't they??!!
Still - AWESOME! 2 hours, snacks and no drama......
Boys rock.