Friday, August 8, 2008


The boys started football one week after baseball was over. Talk about back-to-back! Max moved up to the junior team this year, while Jay has one more year in the intra team (7 & 8 year olds). There are 30 kids on the junior team, so Max will have to get the coaches to notice him. This won't be hard, since the boy is fast and very competitive! It's funny to watch the boys do a "jog" around the field. The coaches have to yell at them to slow down. They are all wanting to be the first one across the line.

It's the beginning of the season, so my attitude will change, I'm sure, but for right now I'm very excited. We love football in this house, and I found it somewhat poetic that the first pre-season NFL game last night was on the coolest night we've had in a long time. There was a chill in the air and football on the TV.......

That being said, the reason for attitude change would only be because we have football every day. *Summer schedule: Max...M through F 6-8
Jay...M-W-F 6-8

*School schedule: Max..M-Th 6-7:30
Jay..M? W? 6-7:30
*Max's games are at 2:00 every Saturday and Jay's games are yet to be determined, but last year they played Sunday afternoons. So, apparently, I mis-typed earlier. Once school starts, we will have Fridays off. Yay! That means we will have time to go to the Highland High School games or Fredricktown, to watch Abby cheer. It may sound like I'm complaining, but not really. The complaints will come later, after several weeks of this. I'll get tired of trying to plan meals and homework around it all. Anyhoo, watch for pictures of the boys in all their gear.....................speaking of gear...................athletic cups were required this year for the boys. This was a very humorous venture. Once the "cups" were purchased, they had to be put on. Ok, I'll stop there, but there had to be phone calls to Dad regarding how to exactly maneuver these little treats. Ahhh....the joy of boys. Gotta love 'em!!!! :)


Anonymous said...

Hmmm....cups. So glad I don't have to deal with that. Of course, we'll both have to teach about feminine products.
I'm also not looking forward to being scheduled within an inch of my life with activities. Why so much practice?! Don't they realize kids need free time?!

kim said...

Can you believe football already?? Wow - your kids keep you running from one thing right into another! :) So glad they are having fun. Yeah - I hear you on the cup thing. Very strange. We were standing there in Scheel's and I'm picking them up and saying "how 'bout this one?" "Or do you like this better?"
P is like "Whatever.....can I just disappear into the floor please?"
What are mom's for?