Tuesday, July 20, 2010

** Follow Up to the night of babysitting***

On Sunday, Max was asking me how the day was going to proceed and what our schedule looked like. We had a friend of Jay's here, who we had to get home, plus getting Viv to the Tuggle family amidst their baseball tournament schedule, etc. I explained the plan to him and he proceeded to tell me that he wasn't all that interested in the movie we planned to see and wanted to stay with Vivian and the Tuggles. I explained to him that I would never, ever ask him to stay behind to help with the maniac and that despite our nervousness, I'm sure Viv would be fine. He said he understood, but would rather stay with Tuggles (who's son is Max's best friend) Well, I tried to convince him that I didn't think he needed to stay because of Vivian and he tried to convince me that that wasn't the only reason. So, as we were transferring Vivian's car seat into Tuggle's van in the parking lot of the baseball tournament, Max walks to the field with Vivian in one arm and the diaper bag in the other, alongside him is his best friend who is making silly faces at Vivian and explaining to her what they were going to "play" today. Oh, and that their dog, Chloe, was excited she was coming. Really? Could this child BE more loved? Could she HAVE a more awesome big brother? (who's friends love her to death, I might add). Max could have tried all day to convince me that he wanted to stay back to hang with his friend, but he wouldn't have succeeded. He is a "mother hen" and wanted to make sure Vivian didn't freak when we left her. I have amazing kids....................now, how the hell did that happen?!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Jay's 10th birthday party!
It's the last hurrah for parties, once you reach your 10th. After that, it's scaled down!! Jay's are usually a whole lot of fun and not too difficult to plan, so it's kinda sad to be done with them. Summer birthdays are way easier than February!
How many kids can you fit in an Ez-Go? Well, apparently, about 10. Yes, that's including the big one.

Silly string! (And I DO feed the child, despite what the protruding ribcage says)

This game was "Find the Correct Lego Piece in the Kiddie Pool". Yeah, totally made up. But fun.

This one is "Find the Lego Brick In the Whipped Cream". Again, made up. This was fun, also, but much shorter than I anticipated. The first kid found the brick in less than 4 seconds!!!
This weekend is Jay's actually birthday. Today, in fact. We usually go out to eat as a family, but Jay has been saying he wants to see the movie, "Despicable Me" since the first commercial. I found some very brave souls to watch Viv for us so we can go.
*This past week, I had Abby watch Viv while I took Max and Al to the dentist. (Our last experience when Jay went, was NOT good. The maniac was not easy to contain in the small, not-so-toddler-friendly-waiting room.) So, Vivian went down for a nap and we went to the dentist. Jay stayed with Abby because I was nervous about how Viv would do when she woke to find us all gone. My fears were validated. Abby said she walked into Viv's bedroom and the child frowned at her and laid back down. She wouldn't stand up so Abby could lift her out. Then, once out of the crib, she wiggled to get down, ran to the corner and glared at Abby. She then proceeded to cry and carry on while Abby changed her diaper. She was comforted when she saw Jay, but made it clear Abby was NOT welcome to retrieve her from her nap. Vivian is familiar with the family who will be watching her, today. I just hope she is good for them. I don't worry about Viv when I leave her, I worry about the person who has to deal with her. Godspeed Tuggle family!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

It's time for the "Favorite Things" Edition.

First of all, I vowed this year we would take advantage of the pool some friends took us to last summer. Last year with Viv being only a couple months old and needing to be shaded, we didn't do much of anything outside. This summer would be different. We've been there 3 times and have a blast! Vivian loves the zero entry side with the little water slide. Up and down, up and down.....she could do it all day. Thank you Jack Florance Pool in Delaware!

Quick potato side dish!! There's really no easier way to cook potatoes (or faster). Quarter 4-6 potatoes and toss in a big bowl with olive oil. Add salt, pepper, chili seasoning and wrap up in a a foil rectangle. Put it on the grill or about 20 -25 minutes. Once you take it off the grill, sprinkle shredded cheddar cheese on top and fold the foil back over until you've wrangled the kids to the table, then made them get up and go wash their hands -which usually takes about another 15-20 minutes. By then, the cheese is melted and the potatoes are cooled to the perfect eating temperature. YUM!

My new favorite drink is the Vitamin Water Zero. I typically stay away from the Gatorade/Powerade kind of drinks. They are too sweet for my taste and why waste the calories?? When I'm thirsty, I want plain 'ol water. However, since I've given up (For the most part) drinking Diet soda, I wanted to replace it with something a little more exciting than plain 'ol water. I can only drink one about every other day, but I do enjoy the taste - and knowing I'm not drinking a whole lot of corn syrup.

My new favorite shampoo! Yes, it's for me-although it does leave George's mane quite manageable.........I tried it when we were camping with the Wrights and it left my hair so soft and wavy.

Finally - my new phone. I waited a long time for a phone like this. Since Verizon wasn't going to get the iphone anytime soon, I went with the droid. Well, initially, I got the ally android. It was a little more compact, so I opted to go that route. However, being an LG phone, it didn't have the antenna that the motorola has. It's amazing what you learn when you spend hours on the phone with Verizon support. And since I didn't feel like running out to my driveway every time I wanted to make/take a call, I was told to go get a new phone. So, the droid and I have become fast friends.

Top 5 Reasons I Love My New Phone:
1. I no longer get lost going to the ballparks around Columbus. Mapquest has failed me more times than not. GPS, LOVE you!
2. Has my sister tweeted recently? I dunno. Let me check. Oh, drat, I'm stuck here at the doctor's office. Oh wait. I CAN check!!!
3. The home computer is slower than dial-up right now and the prognosis is not good. It's faster to grab the phone than start up the Dell.
4. On the last road trip, we weren't sure if there was a decent place to stop and eat (and by decent, I mean NOT McDonald's). My new app let us know that there was, indeed, a Quizno's in 6.3 miles...awesome!
5. And last, but certainly not least...........Ricky Bobby and Dumb and Dumber ring tones!!!!!!!!! "Help me Oprah Winfrey", "We got no food, we got no jobs, are pets HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!" Oh yeah, we can't forget the title song from Glee.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Let's bury Ally!!!!!!

I got more comments this weekend about how much these two look alike. It's true. I hope they are as close as my sister and I are when they are older. Of course they adore each other now, but there will be days when Viv is into Al's stuff and Al ignores Viv when her girlfriends are over. Makes me tear up just thinking about it. Instead, I will hang on to the present and the sister love.

Eric, Jay and Al one one jet-ski and Viv, Max and I on the other. So. Much. Fun. Love 'em. My kids will soon refuse to go out with me, since I like to run fast and furious. Come ON............

It was great timing that some of the children/grandchildren of neighbors were in town the same weekend. Al had a couple girls to hand with and so did Max and Jay. They haven't seen these boys for about 4 years- Didn't seem to make a difference, though.
The kids decorated their bikes and rode in the parade. There was a lull, then, before the fireworks, so the kids got a little restless. It was past Viv's bedtime and she was letting us know it. Once the fireworks started, she was intrigued by the first 3 or 4. Then, the lack of sleep and loud booms got the best of her. She sat in my arms with her head buried the rest of the time. We headed out early and all was well.
It was a great time had by all and we are already looking forward to next summer!!

Vivian LOVES the beach! Then again, she is MY daughter!!! This was a different beach than Schoolhouse with the rocks. The sand was warm and inviting......

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

This was Schoolhouse Beach . I love the rocks and the super clear water!!

The water was frigid, but the kids got in anyway. Max convinced Jay to swim out to a floating dock. About midway, Jay realized he could not longer feel his legs and panicked. He started yelling for help. Eric and another guy jumped in and both swam for him. Once he was on the rocks and began to warm up, Vivian shared some body heat. She was worried and laid next to him or on him for several minutes. Even Eric commented on how quickly the body loses feeling in that cold of water. Jay has VERY LITTLE body fat, so that contributed. Kinda scary.

This was actually taken before he began swimming - all smiles :)

Most years, we are able to spend some time with Eric's brother and his family. Unfortunately, this year our commitments kept us from having more than one afternoon together. The kids love their cousins and have so much fun together. I guess we have been lucky to be able to swing it so far. The older the kids get, the busier the schedules. We will try for next summer!

Another vacation to Washington Island, WI!! And so the journey started......15 minutes into our 12 hour trip, Ally barfs - and continues to do so until around Chicago. After that, the trip went smoothly. We arrived at the ferry dock and boarded. It was now time for the traditional photo on the ferry with the flag.

Viv seemed to enjoy the ferry, although her favorite part seemed to be going up and down the stairs.

Jay taking some of his own pictures.