Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's a struggle every year. I want to be festive. I really do.
Why am I such a bah humbug?!?!
Whoever said money won't buy you happiness, never had 3+ kids with Christmas lists. One of those kids had his list made out long before Halloween. They've never had to explain why even Santa can't bring you the $200 item on your list, which, by the way, includes 12 other items. My dear hubby's solution seems obvious, right? "Well, we'll just have to come up with 3 or 4 items and they'll have to be happy with that." Uh....ok. So, since Santa brings 3 gifts each year, that, maybe two presents to open Christmas Eve???!!! Yeah, it's more obvious he's never had to do the Christmas shopping, organizing, hiding, or budgeting. ARGH! Yes, we will cut back even more this year, blah, blah, blah. I'm even considering reaping the savings on Black Friday. EEK!! I'm not quite that desperate ...yet.
Oh! And want to know what's even MORE fun this year?! Christmas shopping with an 8 month old baby with a rigid nap schedule! ............(yay.)
Inner scrooge, you persistent bastard, one of these Christmases you WILL go down! I WILL be filled with joy, dammit!!!

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