Sunday, November 29, 2009

I mentioned we got George back this weekend. The family did a wonderful job training him. George was a pretty calm horse for being green and the training helped his demeanor even more. Eric and I spent some time with him on Sunday.
Eric rode first and George was behaving....well enough. At one point, the saddle began slipping and Eric dumped off the side. This freaked George a little - ok, a lot. The horse takes off running. He misses the turn headed back to the barn and must have contemplated jumping the fence, but what ensued was a slider into home base-however not very graceful. He breaks the fence (which is an electric rope, basically), is up on his feet and at a dead sprint for the field. Eric is still lying on the ground, but moving. I call out to him to see if he's ok and he, well, kinda answers me. Hey, he was moving, ok!! I go after the horse, who has stopped just across the pond. I approach him as he waits for me. At the same time, the kids +2 are running out of the house, yelling. I'm not paying much attention to them, only to yell back."Shhhhh Don't spook the horse!" To which they reply....."Dylan cut his hand and is bleeding!!" Once I get George by the bridle, I turn to see that Eric is up and walking and the bleeding wound from friend, Dylan's, hand is only a flesh wound.

My turn out was a little less dramatic.

1 comment:

tfdchief said...

I wonder what you would think if a whole day went by and it was completely normal. No blood, no sickness, no terminally ill pets, no ball games to schedule around, your husband worked normal hours and never had to travel..........I know! You'd realize you were in the wrong house and go home!