Sunday, June 7, 2009

It's official. Our baby-making days are OVER!!! Eric took it like a man on Friday. Well, took it like a man, then whined like a baby......

We headed over to Adkin's Saturday night for a fish fry and my hubby thought it would be funny to stuff a towel in his pants. Ohhh my aching genitalia.
They were already one step ahead of us and had a parking spot just for him. The bottom line reads..Go Princess Power.


Meleah said...

Bwa ha ha! Now if Eric could just tell Dave that it's NOT THAT BAD, I would be a happy woman.

kim said...

Poor E.
I don't know what else to say......

Now if you turn up pregnant again.... it will be the surprise of the century!! ;)

Oonie said...

You da man Eric !!!