Sunday, June 28, 2009

There were big plans for Saturday...namely...laundry. I woke up with a headache (like I do everyday) and took a Tylenol. After about 20 minutes, I started feeling funny. I felt like I was drugged. I had taken it with an empty stomach, but nothing like that had ever happened before. Soon, I was too tired to talk and headed to bed. The kids had to finish folding the clothes. Oh, they were helping me before, but now they were unsupervised since Eric was busy in the basement.

This is their version of a job well done.
Yes, this is a pile of towels. Are they folded? Yes. Well? No.

It almost looks like they just threw the clothes in a pile, doesn't it?
By the way, after going over the scenarios of me taking the Tylenol to the pharmacy and having them check it to find out what it was laced with OR going to the doctor because obviously I have something wrong with my liver, I decided to check the bottle. Ooops! I had purchased Tylenol PM by mistake. Duh.
I have to give the kids credit, though. They folded ALL the clothes and even got some up to their rooms. I appreciate their help and their clothes just end up in piles on their floor, anyway, so YAY!!! The laundry is done........until we do this again in a week with another 7 loads.


tfdchief said...

On the bright side, you've made progress!

Meleah said...

That's a really good idea..."accidentally" take some Tylenol PM so I "have" to go to bed. Thanks!
That had to be a really weird feeling, and maybe a little funny to watch.
Love ya. :)

kim said...

LOL! I don't know wheat else to say....... that is a brilliant story. Kids always want to help with laundry - and I know in our house, sometimes 'less is more'. ;)

And wow ~ 4 kids is a LOT of laundry, Mo...... I don't know how you do it!
Hang in there.....


Raquel said...

Love it! Sounds like something I would do.