Thursday, June 25, 2009

I realized I didn't have many pix of Ally with Viv lately.

Jay is the one who asks to hold Vivian the most. He really loves his sister (his baby sister - LOL!) Viv is really interacting with them, now. She smiles and coos, which makes the kids laugh.
*The green dot on Jay's shirt is remnants of our morning. We did the "Boogie Woogie Worm Race" at the local library. Jay's worm won, which resulted in a small toy and bragging rights. I was secretly cheering for him - he competed against both Max and Al among others. Jay deserves a win for sure. As Eric puts it, Jay pulls on your heartstrings. He puts up with a bossy older brother who's good at everything he does. He also deals with a younger sister who's also good at everything she does and is a cute little girl on top of it. I love my quiet genius Jaybird!!!

1 comment:

natther said...

Congrats to Jay! What adorable photos of your adorable kids.