Saturday, April 18, 2009

Even though my midwives had talked about induction early in my 9th month, I did not think I wanted to be induced. Forward 2 weeks..........INDUCE ME!! I want this pregnancy over!! I couldn't walk, couldn't sleep, and my hands kept falling asleep. We decided if I didn't go into labor on my own before April 10th, we would induce that day. I did not go into labor, so Eric and I arrived at St Ann's at 9:00am on Good Friday. Abby brought the kids to the hospital a couple hours later. Once they broke my water, things really got going. Around 2:15, the anesthesiologist gave me ITM (interthecal morphine) and I went from 6cm to 10 cm in less than a half an hour. I started feeling a lot of pressure, so I told Eric to get the nurse. Once she checked me, she said I was ready and began getting things ready (in quite a hurry I might add) Maybe 2 or 3 pushes later and she was here!

This is my nurse, Heidi. She was from Iowa- the Sioux City area. Believe it or not, I had NOT had any drugs at this point. (even though it looks like it)
Over a month before Vivi was born, the kids hammered out the order in which they got to hold her.

The nurse gave each of the kids a Vivi stamp as she was doing her footprints.

NOT happy about being weighed. Ally was a little "nurse shadow". She was following the nurses around, asking questions and being able to help out a lot. The nurses and midwife were sooooo good with the kids. They were patient and explained everything. I was so impressed. It was a wonderful experience.

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