Saturday, April 4, 2009

Damn kids!!!!!!

Many of you know how much I sooooo enjoy April Fool's Day. Yes, it can be stressful coming up with good pranks, but it's fun. My kids are on to me. That was very apparent last year when I barely got by with the running-out-of-gas gag. I knew I had to strike early, when they just get up and before they realize what day it is.
I had Eric go into their room when he got up for work (about 6:30). He grabbed the bag they packed for the hospital in case I went into labor in the night. He said, "Max. Jay. Is this your hospital bag? You need to get up, mommy's in labor and it's time to go to the hospital." Jay opens one eye and says, "Dad, it's April Fool's Day" WHAT?!?!?!?! He wasn't even fully awake!!! That little shit! This can't be. Now what? How am I supposed to trick them, now? My one strategy......useless. I guess my trick next year will be to NOT trick them. They'll be expecting something all day and it won't come. How about that you little fun-haters.

I did get them in a small way, but not up to my usual standards. I made brownies, but wouldn't let them eat any for dessert. I said it was my last chance to eat a whole pan of brownies myself - ya know, cuz I'm pregnant and you can eat as many brownies as you want when you're pregnant. What's that? You shouldn't? But why? Oh.......that's the reason my ass is the size of Texas? But, that's where my babies grow and thrive! Anyway, they got NO brownies that night ....that's right, April Fools, because they did get them the next night. Yeah, not earth shattering, but after they foiled the fool-proof trick, I was just scraping by.

1 comment:

Meleah said...

What about creating food that looks real, but really contains something gross or spicy? Or saran wrap on the toilet seat--of course that means you would have to clean it up.
Yeah, I suck at "getting" people. I always feel sorry for them.