Sunday, July 6, 2008

Most of you got the memo regarding poor Gracie and her surgery debate. Basically, it went like this......the vet said Gracie blew out her knee and we could let it go, scar tissue would cover the tear, and she would heal that way. However, arthritis would set in and she'd never be the same. OR, we could do surgery. We opted for surgery, but I was so nervous. We personally knew several people who's dogs had emergencies during or after surgery. The day I took Gracie in, I was a mess. I couldn't stop crying, even though I tried for the kids sake. As we were leaving, I told the staff to make sure the vet knew to not give up on Gracie. If something happened during surgery, she was to keep going. I think they understood this request-although it may have been hard to hear me through the broken, sobbing mess that was me.

She came through surgery just fine. We got her home and the hardest part has been keeping her from jumping, stair-climbing and basically over-doing it.

We have had a slight complication (at least I hope it's slight....) Gracie has developed a urinary tract infection. I'm praying it's that and not a kidney issue.

Boo is very confused by all this. I know he's thinking, "Why does she get to come inside and get all the petting and attention?"

1 comment:

natther said...

poor beautiful Gracie! I feel so sorry for her having to go through the surgery - and you too!

Give Gracie a great big hug from me.