Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's tournament time!!
This team has had a great season. They may not have been the "winningest" team, but they have grown so much! Max has grown a lot, too. He had no interest in pitching, but he's good. So, he pitches. Coach told him the other day he's in the top 5 pitchers in the league, and it's his first year! *I apologize for bragging, I can't help myself. The past few games have been really crazy! Each game has had such excitement. There are kids not touching the bases (on both teams), diving catchers(we joke that no one has seen this kids move that fast...ever), things we hadn't seen all season. It's a lot of fun. I get so nervous, though-not so much for a win, but for none of the boys to make a mistake that costs the game.

1 comment:

natther said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the photos! Max looks as if he should be in, at least, 'the minors.'

Keep the pictures of the horses coming. Ally looks so-o-o comfortable with George. Too bad you can't bring the horses to Fripp and we could ride the beach. Wouldn't that be terrific?

Need some pics of Jay-bird. Maybe some BIRTHDAY shots?