Monday, February 11, 2008

YAY!!!!!! I took my final for the medical transcription course last week. I called today and found out that I passed with a 90%(A). I was nervous, cuz the final was a little tougher than I thought. So, that class is done, and I start the next one. I was told this one will be a little faster (hopefully).

Since I was between classes, going in to our trip to California, I was able to read something other than a textbook on the plane. I did finish the book I was hoping to get to. "Another Day in the Frontal Lobe". Man, I miss reading!!!!!

I will post pictures of our California trip soon!


Meleah said...

I've put "Another Day in the Frontal Lobe" on my reading list. If you like history, I just finished Devil in the White City about the planning of the World's Fair in Chicago and a serial killer who was in Chicago at the same time. It was very good.

Way to go on your final! I'm glad you got home from your trip okay. Hope it wasn't as bad as getting out there!

Schreiber family said...

Thank you! I always welcome good reads. I will write them all down, so that I know what to get when I can go spend a day in Barnes&Noble..........ahhh the ultimate dream.......
The "Frontal Lobe" book was good, but made me feel bad that I am not, in fact, a brain surgeon. It inspired me to use my brain more, though!!!!!!!

kim said...

Congrats on your class!! Yay you! :)

The book sounds good - I will have to add it to my list. I too just finished Devil in the White City. I will never look @ Chicago the same way again. Very interesting....

Can't wait to see pix of your trip! Hope you had a good time~

Miss ya!