Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Yummy cupcakes.............................................
April Fools!!!!
This is actually meatloaf with mashed potato frosting. Since my kids are on to me, I had to get really creative.
Grandma had just gotten to town the day before, so the next morning I told the kids Papa had called and Grandma's store had flooded and she had to go back to Iowa early. Max says he didn't buy it, Jay was on the fence, but Al fell for it. Sure, it wasn't a funny ..ha ha...kind of prank, but I'm getting desperate!!

The kids sure were surprised when the cupcakes were put on the table. I also had green, yellow and orange Skittles in a bowl made to look like peas, carrots and corn. It was fun to tell the kids to quit eating their vegetables and finish their cupcakes!!

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