Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Eric's company held a special celebration at the Columbus Zoo this past Saturday. The boys had a birthday party/overnight, so it was Dad, Mom, and the girls. Al got to decorate her own cookie after visiting Santa.

Columbus Zoo's "Wildlights" is awesome. New LED lights this year provided a beautiful scene. I think I heard over 2 million people visit Wildlights each year. Seeing how busy it was last Saturday, I don't doubt those numbers one bit.

Eric admits failing to read his email regarding what special shows the company had planned for Saturday. They rented a room for the employees and families. Zoo staff brought in animals for the kids to see and they had their own Santa. Cool, right? Yes. Very cool. Would have been even cooler if we had known about the Santa and didn't stand in line for 45 minutes waiting for the zoo Santa. But, whatever. We ended up getting the "Good Santa Photo" and the "Bad Santa Photo".

I sat Viv on Santa's lap and held my breath. She was mesmerized. She would have stared at him the whole time if it weren't for the photographer shaking a very loud bell.

Then, we went to the company Santa. Viv was getting tired and hungry. This Santa got the raw end of the deal.
Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

tina said...

Hey Stranger,
I have been trying to get a hold of you for months!!!! you have a beautiful family. Do you get on FB much? I miss you!!!