Wednesday, January 27, 2010

RANDOM THOUGHTS.........(not to be confused with DEEP thoughts! :)

So the Vikings lost. It was heartbreaking. I was sad and disappointed, mostly for Brett Favre. The silver lining was that the team to beat them was the Saints. They deserve a Superbowl trip. I hope they beat the crap out of the Colts.
*Notice the silver lining reference? My New Year's resolution is to be more positive. So far, I'm doing a pretty shitty job. SOOOOO, that means there's room for improvement! See how that works?!

What is up with my body thinking that I'm freezing to death?! Every winter for the past 3 years, I've gained at least 5 pounds. I swear my internal thermostat is in panic mode, thinking I'm sitting on the side of a mountain in -5 degree weather, waiting for a rescue party. I'm NOT freezing to death!! I am always cold, wearing around my slippers, sweatshirts/sweaters and a cup of hot tea in my hands -but nearing hypothermia? No.

I've been a research maniac lately, looking for great last-minute recipes. Love the crockpot, but I'm also needing meals that I can whip up in less than 25 minutes. I'm enjoying these last few weeks before the shit hits the fan. Right now, Max has basketball practice on Friday nights, which is easy for me since Dad's the coach and I don't have to load up everyone to get him there. Starting in February, we'll have Bullets baseball Tues., Wed. and Thurs. We'll also have Jay's guitar lessons either Wed. or Thurs. Ally wants to start piano, so I'm currently working on a time machine in the basement in my spare time. Who couldn't use an extra day or even a couple hours in their week?!
*I was discussing piano lessons with Ally and Jay in the car the other day. I asked her if she would want ME to teach her least to get her started to see if she likes it. Both kids seemed completely shocked that I knew piano. I explained that I took piano lessons for many years when I was in elementary/middle school. Jay's response was this, "So, you got any other dark secrets you want to share?!" :)

We have a new member of the family! His name is Jack and he is about 1200 pounds with brown hair and calm personality. Yes, it's a new horse. We were told someone had a great horse for us and he was sorrel in color, with a history in barrel racing. Turns out, he wasn't sorrel in color, but chestnut with a white diamond on his forehead.....which makes him look exactly like.....Cody. It's a little eerie. We got him last Saturday contingent on the vet's ok and a couple opportunities to ride him. We rode him and he is very calm and sweet. The vet said he looks good and will be nearly perfect with a good hoof trim and ear cleaning. He and George are fast friends and inseparable. He won't replace Cody and although he looks almost identical to him, he is a different horse who will undoubtedly make his own mark on our hearts. I quietly told him to be gentle with us - we've had our hearts broken by another chestnut horse and we can't take it again. He quietly told me he'd be careful with himself and planned to stick around for a long time....then he kicked the shit out of the wall during the night. Ha ha ha..he was only letting George know he was alpha. Silly horses.
*They'll be pictures to come soon, I'm sure.


kim said...

Congrats on the new horse! :) I'm sure he will take care of your tender hearts.... horses are just that way.

I know what you mean about the cold - AND the running. How does it all work?? I can't even imagine it with 4 kids..... though Jay's comment made me giggle out loud. That is so "kid", isn't it? How could we ever be anything more than a Mom?? It is really like having no identity at all! ;) Too funny that he used "dark" secret - *giggle*. Cracks me have to write that one down. I love it ~

But Mon, the harshness with which you regard my son's namesake Peyton Manning?.....ouch. Freezer-burn.

*Go Colts* - ;)

natther said...

I can't wait to meet Jack. If he loves your family as much as I do, then he will settle right in and be so very happy :-)

Schreiber family said...

Sorry Kim! It's not that I don't LIKE the Colts it's more about wanting the underdog Saints to win their first Super Bowl. It's a cinderella story. I like Peyton Manning. Of course, he's not my FAVORITE Payton ;)