Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So, the Honda van that I love, love, love so much, took a crap. The transmission went out at 162,000 miles. We definitely had a great run with her. Of course, this had to happen after it was paid, to fix it would take a lot of time and money-two things we just don't have an abundance of. Although the first mention Eric made almost a year ago that I should get a suburban was laughed off, it has come to pass. I was so resistant to that idea. First, I love the convenience of the van. I didn't like the idea of the gas mileage a suburban would get and have long scoffed at SUV drivers and their "boats". The joke's on me. With 4 kids, strollers, ball bags, helmets, shoulder pads, groceries, etc. believe it or not, we ran out of room. Plus, there have been numerous times I want to take other kids with us somewhere and we would have to take two vehicles. After many hours of searching, we've found the new Schreiber Family Truckster. Thanks to a fellow cowboy mounted shooter (thanks Dave), we got a great deal. Or, as great of a deal a new car payment could be...
I now feel:
1. Sad to lose the van
2. Happy to have more room
3. Nervous about a car payment and the monthly grind of bills, expenses
4. Disappointed that I've let mother earth down
5. Excited about the entertainment system ( I'd been wondering how we'd deal with road trips in the future when Viv wants to watch "Dora" or "Sesame Street" and the other kids want "Ace Ventura") Now we'll have a system where they can watch two separate movies
6. Curious if the extra $.90 it will take to drive to Columbus will make a big difference in my budget. (Doesn't seem like a lot, but add it up every month......)
7. Grief at the loss of a van that has taken us across the Eastern part of the country. From Georgia to Iowa to Wisconsin to Virginia to South was an awesome vehicle. I highly recommend the Honda Odyssey. Goodbye Honda, you've done us proud.


Anonymous said...

RIP, Honda. It seems like you had that car forever.

How many peeps does a Suburban fit, anyway?

Schreiber family said...

8!! It could fit the Gosselin chldren, but Jon and Kate would have to hoof it.

Meleah said...

I'm not so sure I'll recognize you without your Batmobile!