Sunday, December 14, 2008


One of the activity/prayers/questions in the advent house was to pick a day to bake and decorate cookies. Well, Saturday was the day. * The advent house has little doors where small treats and a message are hidden. The kids open one each day. The messages can be anything from What is your favorite Christmas tradition or movie? TO Say a prayer for the troops overseas tonight.
Ally got a horse cookie cutter, and I tried to make a couple brown colored frostings.......Do you know how hard it is to make two different colors of brown from red, yellow, blue and green??????

We had the pleasure of having Jeff here for the fun. I'm sure his idea of fun was more of the "cleaning up" kind. :)

What IS it with my family and poo?!

The kids (and adults) had a good time. How can you NOT have fun decorating cookies? (Aside from the gingerbread house fiasco of '04, that is. The kids were amused by the gingerbread hitting the wall. Hee Hee )


natther said...

That table looks painfully familiar. And the 'pooh' cookie happens any time you put kids and brown frosting together. It sounds as if you are creating great Christmas joy, especially your trip on Sunday!

kim said...

Awesome! Look how big your kids are getting!!?? Where does the time go?
Looks like they are having fun -and I love your kitchen...

I REMEMBER (hearing about) the gingerbread fiasco of '04............
I told you that you would laugh about it one day! ;)
{good times....good times}

annieg said...

Haaaaaaa! Yeah, what is about your kids and pooh? Hannah is the same way!