Sunday, December 14, 2008

This guy at the museum was the actor who played the delivery guy.......who delivered the "major award".....the one and only.......leg lamp!! He had a lot of pretty cool stories.
Here, I'm calling Schwartz's mom to tell her what profanity her son taught mine!! :)

Doggon- it!! We left our deranged bunny suits at home!!

Coming to a Christmas card soon...........................................................................


kim said...

That is FANTASTIC!! I can't wait for that Christmas card - it's a keeper! ;)
How fun - I didn't even know such a museum existed!

And look at your beautiful little glowing self. God, I envy you......

MISS U!! Do we get to see you over the holidays????

Meleah said...

I am basking in your awesomeness. And FINALLY I get to see pictures of the baby bump that is Vivi.

"FRAG-EEL-AY! It must be Italian!"

natther said...

Your family really, really need to just move into that house! What a great, fun thing to do. I can just hear Eric quoting movie lines all through the house. Probably the kids, as well.

Meleah said...

Also, I love that Max is copping a feel. And Jay is pouting as if he's saying, "I want some!"

Schreiber family said...

I told the boys I wanted them to "feel up" the leg lamp. Max was all for it, but Jay had his reservations......